
Pastor Delisa Davis is honored to be able to say she has celebrated 17 years of Pastoring. Pastor Davis is the daughter of Barbra Miller and late George Davis, she is also the mother of 3 handsome young men Donielle, (daughter in-law Courtney), Fredrick, (daughter in-law Erin), and Travis! Pastor Delisa Davis is also the adoptive mother of Alyssa Davis and foster mother of Khole and David Price. She also is a grandmother of 3 beautiful grandchildren Zoe, Madison, and Max. A spiritual mother in blessing her spiritual daughters with the wisdom and guidance to grow into strong women of God! Pastor Davis loves to care for her family and ministry. Pastor Davis was a member of Church of the Living God Int’l for 10 years and Ordain Pastor of Full Deliverance Church of the Living God Int’l under the covering of Pastor Jennifer Williams.

Pastor Davis started a bible study with the permission of her Pastor at the YMCA in Greenville, SC for 3 years, after being faithful and committed to the call on her life, the bible study transitioned into a church. Pastor Davis has been faithful in ministry 20 plus years, after she departed from Church of the Living God, she joined the Minstrel Fellowship of Redemption World Outreach and re-ordained under Apostles Ron and Hope Carpenter.

 Kingdom Movement Church is a thriving Ministry that consists of The Women of Warfare Ministry, Mighty Men of Valiant Ministry, Kingdom Kidz Ministry, Praise Team, and Dance Team. Pastor Davis is involved in helping build as the President of The Unity Fellowship of Churches Greenville, SC. We come together and worship every 4th Sunday of each month.

 Pastor Davis Ministry is a Deliverance and Healing Ministry, Pastor Delisa Davis believes in the Trinity, (The father, son and the Holy Ghost) she believes in preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Pastor Davis loves experiencing lives being changed and souls delivered and set free through the anointing and the word of God. Pastor Davis is a wonderful Pastor and Shepherd to her flock, Pastor Davis says “It’s my responsibility to equip and build leaders to go forth in their ministry and honor the call of God on their lives.